Driveway Fodder
This spring we had more animals on our parents 2.5 acre rural community property than its pastures could realistically handle, so we held...
Compost Sandwich Planting
Some good ideas are born out of necessity. Some are born out of desperation. Some show up because we're impatient and want to cutout...
Your Septic System: A Quick User’s Guide
Growing up we had a septic system, still do in fact, and we figured it was pretty much a glorified sewer system (as do many septic system...
Permaculture Library
Our favorite books and websites on various Permaculture topics: Gaia's Garden by Toby Hemenway -- A very simple, concise and useful guide...
Failing Forward
Last night we went out to the garden to putter around after having been gone for about two weeks, and I have to confess it was very...
Zone 1: When 4 Feet is Too Far
You've probably heard about zone planning in permaculture. It's a process of designed energy conservation: put those things you access...
The Amazing Dandelion
It's that time of year: spring is just around the corner, you look out your window and see the daffodils are starting to come up, the...
Beginner Bloopers: Turnips are not a Groundcover!
We have had an ongoing debate about zone 2 garden weed management. We've tried mulch (grass clippings mostly), and, though it worked...
The Wednesday all Hail Broke Loose
Last Wednesday, June 6, in the middle of a lovely, peaceful afternoon, the National Weather Service issued a Tornado Watch for our area....